CGI Services Architecture
Rc FunctionsTo date, the CSA libraries provide the functions listed below. Providing documentation for all of them in this document is going to be a major effort. In the meantime please refer to the explanatory comments that are contained in the library files, and to the example programs.csaAssign csaAuth.send csaAwk csaAwk.cgi csaBugReport csaCheck.special csaChop csaCleanup csaClient csaCollapse csaCommit csaConceal csaCookie.set csaDebug csaExit csaExit.bdata csaExit.cdata csaExit.pcdata csaExit.env csaExit.fault csaExit.http csaExit.location csaExit.needauth csaExit.ok csaExit.session csaExit.table csaExit.value csaGetArgs csaHttp.header csaHttp.referrers csaHttp.status csaIndex csaIsConfirmed csaIsDate csaIsFullPath csaIsInteractive csaIsWeb csaLoadLib csaLock csaMkTemp csaNew csaOnCommit csaOpen csaPrintMsg csaSession.set csaSetClear csaSetTime csaSource csaStatus csaSubshell csaSum csaSwap csaSystem csaTemplate csaTest.set csaTest.unset csaTplProc csaTrapFile csaTrue csaUniq csaUnlist csaUnlock Shell function overrides.The rc shell, on which CSA is largely based, exports all names and function definitions to the program environment by default. Function definitions, in particular, may cause the environment to become really big and cluttered. To try and mitigate this problem, different CSA shell libraries often re-define previously defined shell functions. For instance, thecsaExit.fault function is defined in both
mainlib.rc and
cgilib.rc . In all cases the function serves the same purpose: exiting on errors. The way it accomplishes its job, however, may be different in the three cases. A command-line shell script will only load
mainlib.rc , and the version of
csaExit.fault contained in that library will simply exit non-zero (after doing some housekeeping) if called in that context. A CGI program, however, beside loading
mainlib.rc will also load
cgilib.rc . This second library will provide its own re-definition of
csaExit.fault . The latter, if called by the CGI program, will do the housekeeping, send an error HTML page to the client and exit non-zero. In this way, that is by re-using the same function names for different context-specific code, I managed to:
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