CGI Services Architecture
C-like StuffIn the AWK libraries provided by CSA, I have occasionally tried and mimic C concepts. For instance, in$CSA_INSTALL/lib/include/ there are functions like
_strdup(), _ctime(), _stat(), _creat() and others, that try and behave somewhat like their C-library counterparts. The similarities are rough at best, so do not expect to use those functions exactly in the same way as you would do in a real C program, but I simply liked the idea. Beside C-like function names, I have also tried and use C-like error codes. To date, the following Linux-style symbolic error codes have been defined (see
errno(3) and
<errno.h> for more info):
_ENOENT = 2 _EIO = 5 _EACCES = 13 _EISDIR = 21 _EINVAL = 22 _ENOMSG = 42 _EMSGSIZE = 90 Trackbacks (0) | New trackback | Print |