Please choose a user-ID. It must be made of just simple, lower-case letters and numbers, with no spaces or other special characters except the hyphen "-" the "@" sign and the underscore "_", it must begin with at least two letters and it may be five to fifty characters long; if a user-ID is not supplied, then the system will make one for you, but it may be more difficult for you to memorize:
Please choose a password. It is case-sensitive and may contain lower- and upper-case letters, numbers, and the special characters - _ + . : ! . The password length may be between six and fifty characters; if a password is not supplied then the system will make one for you:
Re-type your password:
Your full-name in the form Last, First: (don't forget the comma "," between "Last" and "First")
Your e-mail address:
Your OpenID Identity URL (if any)
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