TypeWriter: a Free Wiki/Blog Engine
How to edit this WikiAuthorized editors, i.e. those who register an account with this Wiki, can create and modify the content of existing pages, delete or redirect pages, and create new pages. Here are the few basic directions that you need to learn to contribute content to this Wiki. Loggin inYou can either enter your account and password in the relevant box, or you may want to sign-in through OpenID. For OpenID authentication to work you must enter your preferred OpenID URL in the registration form when you apply for an account. The easiest way to do that is to follow the link to OpenID located in the vicinity the login box, pick the preferred OpenID provider and then follow the instructions. Once you have chosen an OpenID provider you will always have to use that one to sign into this Wiki with OpenID. At your option, even if you have registered with OpenID, you will always be able also to sign-in by entering your account name and password directly in the relevant boxes. Creating new pages
Just replace the Wiki page name portion in the current URL (i.e. everything after the rightmost slash
Like most Wikis, this one allows you to create a new page also by inserting the page name in the text of an existing page enclosed in double brackets, like in When a page links to another Wiki page which does not yet exist, the link is followed by a question mark, again a common Wiki convention.
Pages may be logically grouped in "categories", to help better organize content. The first dot in a page name is the category delimiter, so a page named
Page names are case-insensitive, although they are usually case-preserving, so
When you create/edit a page you may enter an optional short page description, a one-liner that will be used instead of the page name in some of the automated listings or views produced by TW. The default description will be Page commentsMost pages take comments, so that even non-editors may enter suggestions and objections about the page content. Those comments are post-moderated by me in the quality of sysadmin, as described in the terms of use of this Wiki. The comment facility supports gravatars, if you have got one. Organizing content
This Wiki engine implements the concept of "categories". A category is a set of pages which names begin with a common "stem", separated from the rest of the page name by a single dot. Let's say you want to define a category called "Operators", containing one page for each NoSQL operator, you will create an Trackbacks (0) | New trackback | Comments (0) | Print |