1 1000 ERR_ARGS missing or invalid page group name 2 1001 ERR_ARGS no page name specified 3 1002 ERR_NOTFOUND object not found 4 1003 ERR_ARGS trackback protocol violation, see http://www.sixapart.com/pronet/docs/trackback_spec 5 1004 ERR_ARGS the supplied URL is invalid 6 1005 ERR_DENIED the specified source URL has already been registered 7 1006 ERR_NOTFOUND unable to find references to target URL in source URL 8 1007 ERR_REFUSED forbidden attachment type or name 9 1008 ERR_ARGS page contains bad XHTML code 10 1009 ERR_REFUSED invalid page name '%s' 11 1010 ERR_DENIED group '%s' does not exist, you may want to ask the site administrator to create it 12 1011 ERR_NOTFOUND page '%s' does not exist 13 1012 ERR_REFUSED attachment file name null or with forbidden characters 14 1013 ERR_REFUSED the specified page does not take comments 15 1014 ERR_ARGS the comment your are trying to reply to does not exist 16 1015 ERR_ARGS e-mail address empty or containing invalid characters 17 1016 ERR_ARGS the web site URL entered is not acceptable 18 1017 ERR_ARGS the comment body must contain some text 19 1018 ERR_ARGS missing or invalid anti-spam code 20 1019 ERR_ARGS comment text may not exceed %s characters 21 1020 ERR_NOTFOUND word/phrase '%s' not found 22 1021 INFO_OK Your request has been processed (if the specified e-mail is unknown nothing will be sent!) 23 1022 ERR_DENIED a page or post with name '%s' already exists 24 1023 ERR_ARGS no title specified for new page 25 1024 ERR_DENIED page category may not be changed 26 1025 ERR_ARGS the category name may not contain dots 27 1026 ERR_REFUSED the editing session has expired due to inactivity 28 1027 ERR_NOTFOUND unknown OpenID identity 29 1028 ERR_DENIED you are already a registered user 30 1029 ERR_DENIED you are already logged-in 31 1030 ERR_ARGS invalid or duplicated user-id, please choose a different one 32 1031 ERR_ARGS invalid password, please choose a different one 33 1032 ERR_ARGS Name and/or Surname missing or with invalid characters 34 1033 ERR_ARGS verification password does not match, please retry 35 1034 ERR_NOTFOUND the requested page has no previous revisions 36 1035 ERR_ARGS the fullname field must be in the form 'Last, First' 37 1036 ERR_DENIED posting to multiple categories is not allowed 38 1037 ERR_NOTFOUND item '%s' does not exist 39 1038 ERR_DENIED item '%s' is out-of-stock or not available 40 1039 ERR_DENIED item '%s' min. purchase quantity is '%s' 41 1040 WARN_NOTFOUND your shopping cart is empty 42 1041 ERR_ARGS field '%s' empty or containing invalid data 43 1042 ERR_ARGS unknown gift certificate code 44 1043 ERR_REFUSED you did not accept our privacy policy, so we cannot accept your data 45 1044 ERR_REFUSED you did not accept our sale's terms and conditions, so we cannot take your order 46 1045 ERR_SYSTEM RPX error: %s 47 1046 ERR_ARGS the supplied OpenID URL is invalid 48 1047 ERR_DENIED duplicated OpenID identity URL 49 1048 ERR_DENIED account '%s' is deleted and can no longer be edited 50 1049 ERR_DENIED current editing mode is incompatible with this group 51 1050 ERR_REFUSED an attachment with the same name already exists 52 1051 ERR_REFUSED cannot accept empty attachments 53 1052 ERR_REFUSED bad column/table names in uploaded database schema 54 1053 ERR_NOTFOUND could not access required database table '%s'